ACTS Is Growing A Garden!


For the past few months ACTS has been learning about the environment so that we can take steps to care for the places we call home. We are planting a garden that will offer fresh vegetables that we can use during our meals. We are also planting some trees and other plants that will add some beauty to the exterior of the house. This has been a great learning opportunity for our kids to see the process of gardening and practice the skills necessary to keep it growing. Our elementary kids got to learn about thinning and transplanting seeds so that they could also begin small gardens at their individual homes!


This garden adds another way for the kids to be a part of investing in the ACTS house and this neighborhood. We are so grateful for those that have supported this project through their time, finances, and supplies; from high school volunteers at Holland Christian to churches and individuals that are part of our ACTS family.

Our other environmental initiative has been to increase our efforts in composting, recycling, and reducing waste. This helps the kids to make wiser choices when it comes to meal time and even some of our art projects. Our middle school group was challenged to collect items at home or school that could be composted or recycled. We are so excited that the activities our kids do at ACTS can also be carried into other areas of their lives!

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